The Parish Council has a number of responsibilities, some of them advisory within the local government structure and some direct. The list below includes some of the main responsibilities that fall to the Council and that are included in its annual budget. You can see details of the assets held by the Council in the Asset Register.
Bus Shelters, Benches and other street furniture
There are two bus shelters in Bourton and three benches within the parish which are owned and maintained by the Council. Alongside these, the Council also owns and maintains both of the noticeboards and the red phone box by Tan Lane.
The cemetery is owned and maintained by the Council. It is not affiliated to the church.
The parish council is often asked for its views on a wide range of issues that are decided by other bodies. This could include, for example, public transport, regional planning or community safety.
The Parish Council owns and maintains two Public Access Defibrillators (PADs). The PADs are essential in helping to improve the chances of survival of anyone who has suffered a cardiac arrest when combined with the use of CPR.
Footpaths and Footways
The parish council makes regular inspections of the footpaths in the parish, and any problems are reported to Dorset Council for further action.
All planning applications are assessed by the parish council and its views are taken into account as a consultee when Dorset Council, the responsible planning authority, makes its decision.
Grants and Donations
The Council has powers to give small grants and donations to such bodies as community groups. There are strict rules limiting the donations that can be made in each financial year.
Litter Bins and Dog Bins
The Council has to fund any new public litter bins within the parish. The cost of emptying these is also met by the council.
The War Memorial is part of the Council’s assets for maintenance.
Open Spaces
The Council owns and maintains a field opposite St Georges School, known as The Jubilee Field. This is managed by the Bourton Wildlife and Habitats Group.
Speed Signs
Motion-activated speed signs in Bourton are maintained by the Parish Council. The signs are repositioned on a regular basis in an attempt to reduce speeding through the village – another cost that is part of the Council’s budget.
Winter Resilience
The Council owns 9 grit bins across the parish which are inspected regularly in the run up to and throughout winter to ensure there are sufficient stocks that are usable.